W imieniu Dziekana Wydziału serdecznie zapraszamy pracowników oraz studentów na seminarium wydziałowe, które odbędzie się we wtorek 21 maja o godz. 12:30 w Instytucie Informatyki w sali 119.
Prelegentem będzie prof. Marta Kwiatkowska z Uniwersytetu w Oksfordzie, światowej klasy specjalistka i liderka w dziedzinie weryfikacji systemów obliczeniowych. Wygłosi on wykład pt.
When to trust AI: advances and challenges for certification of neural networks.
Przed wykładem o 12:00 Dziekan zaprasza na ciasto i kawę.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been advancing at a fast pace and it is now poised for deployment in a wide range of applications, such as autonomous systems, medical diagnosis and natural language processing. Early adoption of AI technology for real-world applications has not been without problems, particularly for neural networks, which may be unstable and susceptible to adversarial examples. In the longer term, appropriate safety assurance techniques need to be developed to reduce potential harm due to avoidable system failures and ensure trustworthiness. Focusing on certification, this talk provides an overview of techniques that have been developed to ensure safety of AI decisions and discusses future challenges.
Marta Kwiatkowska is Professor of Computing Systems and Fellow of Trinity College, University of Oxford. She is known for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of model checking for probabilistic systems, and is currently focusing on safety, robustness and fairness of automated decision making in Artificial Intelligence. She led the development of the PRISM model checker (www.prismmodelchecker.org), which has been adopted in diverse fields, including wireless networks, security, robotics, healthcare and DNA computing, with genuine flaws found and corrected in real-world protocols. Her research has been supported by two ERC Advanced Grants, VERIWARE and FUN2MODEL. Kwiatkowska won the Royal Society Milner Award, the BCS Lovelace Medal and the Van Wijngaarden Award, received an honorary doctorate from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and a Professorship from the President of Poland. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of ACM and Member of Academia Europea.