12 paździe ika w godzinach 16:15-18:00 w sali 601,w ramach Seminarium z Analitycznych i Funkcjonalnych Metod Teorii Prawdopodobieństwa, odbędzie się wykład prof. Stefana Schwabika z Czeskiej Akademii Nauk pt. General integration, extensions and applications to the Henstock-Kurzweil integral. Streszczenie: A general integration will be described in the flavour of the well-known book of Stanislaw Saks. An order in the structure of general integrals will be introduced. The concept of extending integrals will be presented, together with the classical and known Cauchy and Ha ack extensions, new extensions will be given and applied to the Lebesgue integral for obtaining characterizations of the Henstock-Kurzweil integral which is known to be equivalent to the narrow Denjoy or Perron integral.